
World Mental Health Day 2016

Today is world mental health day 2016. Did you know that according to Mind, almost 1 in 10 people suffer with anxiety & depression combined? And 1 in 4 will suffer with a mental health condition each year. Take a look around you, 1 in 4. That’s one hell of a lot of people. And yet, there is still a huge stigma about talking about these things. This is wrong. This is an experience that almost 25% of people are coping with on a day to day basis.

So my plea to you, if you are suffering with your mental health is to speak out and ask for help. Contact your GP, pick up the phone and talk to someone (Samaritans can be contacted for free in the UK & ROI on 116123), take a moment and be kind to yourself. Find something that helps – for me it is my crochet and my medication, for others it is going for a walk, for others it is something else entirely. There is no right or wrong (so long as it is legal).

If you are thinking suicidal thoughts phone 999 immediately.

If you are one of the 3 in 4 who are lucky enough not to be coping with a mental health issue, then please take a moment to think. One in 4 of the people around you are dealing with them right now. Be kind, be considerate, and please check out Mind as they have all sorts of useful information.

Love & hugs,


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