
The journey to now, part 2

Or becoming a bag lady…

Where were we? Oh yes, the scarf. The scarf had been a welcome relief from all the madness of the school situation. I found that when I finished it I needed something else to be getting on with.

I had a book on crochet that had a pattern for a bag, I had no idea about yarn, hooks or anything really. So I went along to a small yarn shop than sold me a lot of yarn at quite expensive prices, and with hindsight I wouldn’t have bought that particular yarn for that particular project, but I managed to make the bag and my daughter promptly claimed it.


Making the bag had been a very soothing experience and though I’d perhaps do some things differently now, the basic Granny square design was brilliant to do as a beginner. This was where I realised that the rhythm of crochet was incredibly soothing. The repetitive nature of the treble stitches calmed me down and helped me to relax at a time when I truly needed it. Being a bag lady was quite fun, and this wouldn’t be my final bag making venture. I lined it with cotton from an old pillowcase, and the bag loops were taken from an old broken bag I had. This is a great design that would be a fabulous stash buster, and it’s one I may use again at some stage.

Crochet had become my lifeline, being able to create something helped my wellbeing – it meant that I was able to cope better with stressful situations as I had moments where I just needed to count stitches and not think about the rest of the world. It had the same relaxing effects on me that playing daft games on social networks do, but at the end I had something to show for it and being able to hold something I had created boosted my self esteem, confidence and helped me feel like just perhaps I wasn’t useless. I could make things. It has given me a purpose. So if you see me with something crocheted about my person, please ask me about it. I love showing off my work.

Love & Hugs,


The journey to now, part 3


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