
Are you a loose hooker?

Well are you? I’m not – it turns out I’m a tight hooker. (Doesn’t sound much better does it?)

I’m talking about how you stitch in crochet of course. What on earth were you thinking?

When I form my stitches I end up with a very tight stitch, which means that I can be too small with my finished product. This became terribly obvious when I decided to make a hat.

I decided to make a hat because I was visiting a Sikh temple the other day with my local WI federation and they like everyone (men and women) to cover their heads when entering the meeting room where their holy book is kept. I found a lovely pattern online and got to work. I was really excited about wearing it and worked solidly on it all afternoon. That evening I finished it off and went to try it on.

This was the result:

When you crochet a hat but your stitches are too tight.

As you can see – quite ridiculous! I ummed and ahhed about what to do with said hat, but couldn’t bring myself to pull it out. So I gave it to my friend whose daughter loved it. (Photo used with permission)

If the hat fits…

As you can see, this lovely little one looks much better in the hat than I did, she is also rocking the pandas!

I am going to attempt another hat at a later date, but will have to conciously make sure I am relaxed before I begin – I’m a far looser hooker when I relax!

Love & hugs


2 thoughts on “Are you a loose hooker?

  1. I crocheted a very tight square last night during bakeoff. I’m usually a loose hooker, however I prefer to be a happy hooker. I have no intention of any of these terms being on a mug or t-shirt I own, that’s just middle-aged wifie daft.


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